Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Day in Our Life

I have seen several people post about their everyday life and wanted to do the same. I think that it will be fun to look back on in a few years! This is what most of our days are like. Our "weekend" days change each week according to Josh's schedule. I like to keep this routine as much as possible so I don't go crazy and Tempe knows what to expect each day.

Early Morning

I try to wake up before Tempe so that I can get the day started without having to rush or feel out of sorts. First things first I enjoy a cup of coffee and devotional. I unload the dishwasher and load the clothes washer. If we have somewhere to be I will get dressed. If not I try to at least fix my hair and/or makeup. If something needs to be started for supper I do that also.

By this time my sleepy head is awake and we eat breakfast together, waffles or eggs. While she finishes eating I double check my planner to see what, if anything, is going on for the day.

Late Morning

After breakfast we will play for a while. If there are errands to run we do those. We work on Tot School at 10 and on Tuesdays go to gymnastics at 11 {no tot school}. We eat lunch between 11:30 and 12. After that we lay on the couch and watch Nemo. Some days Tempe takes a nap other days she lays there for only 5 minutes! I try to make her at least rest for 30 minutes. If she does sleep it is rarely longer than an hour. During that time I catch up on RH or DH. I'll check email, social sites, and Pinterest.


Our afternoons consist of playing, cleaning, and whatever else I can find for us to do! The afternoons are hard for me, always have been. Having ADHD my mind runs a million miles a minute and at this point I am wore out! Lol! When she wakes up Tempe and I cuddle on the couch with a snack and I will turn the t.v. on just for noise. Tempe has started playing by herself in the playroom really well so I will try to clean or craft while she plays. If it is a warm day we will go outside to play. I start or finish up supper and we try to eat around 5:30 or 6:00.


After supper Josh and I take turns giving Tempe a bath while the other cleans the kitchen. On Mondays and Wednesdays I go to the gym for class so Tempe gets time with Daddy or one of the sets of grandparents.  We put her to bed between 8-9 depending on her mood and if she has had a nap or not. After she is in bed I fold the clothes from the morning wash {dried during cooking}, make sure all of the toys are put away, floors swept and mopped, items for the next day laid out, and take a shower. After all of that I get to spend time one the computer blogging and pinning!  I go to bed around 10pm and read for a little bit. Then we wake up and do it all again!
This is how a "typical" day goes. Of course we have days that we have somewhere to go or something special to do but I try to keep at least my morning and evenings the same. This helps me keep the house in order as much as I can. I am a person of habit and love a schedule. I have had Tempe on a schedule since a few months old.
I hope you enjoyed experiencing a day with us!!

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Snow Day

Yay for snow!

We have simply enjoyed a snow day! Wow, my girl is growing!
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tot School {Polar}

I feel like I am a little late in the year with this theme but it worked out well because they are calling for our first SNOW it is SNOWING tonight! Woo Hoo!!!


I want to start the week off by watching this video I found on YouTube.  It will give me the chance to talk about and show what the Arctic is.


I already had this book and thought it would work well. I love the illustrations in it. I hope that as I plan more in advance to be able to check theme books out of our local library.

Table Time:
 I found this tot pack from 2 Teaching Mommies that is perfect! We will be using the match, color, and size pages from it during our table time.

I am doing 3 tot tray activities this week. I am slowly getting back into Tot School so I don't want Tempe to be over whelmed by so many options.

We will be working on sorting by colors. I am using a tray from Dollar Tree, cards from Candy Land, and counting bears. You could use anything you have several of that are the same color though!

We had this Counting Penguin already so I pulled it to focus on colors and counting, which Tempe is obsessed with right now! She does pretty good but we just started this past week and I wanted to spend a little more focus time on them. This will also help with small spaces because she will be feeding the penguin. I am sure if you didn't have something like this you could turn a milk carton into a penguin and cut fish out of paper to feed it.

The last tray/bin is a basket with one of her winter coats, a pair of boots, and mittens. She loves to dress herself and it is a skill that her School Readiness teacher brought information on. She already knows how to put them all on but the coat we will be able to work on zippers and snaps. It is something she enjoys so I know that this will be a favorite this week. {no photo because she put them on to go out in the snow tonight, they were the closet ones and in her reach :)}.

We will also be making snow to play in. All you do is crush ice very fine in a blender. This will be her sensory activity for the week and will be something we do together! ;)

{Update: we will hopefully be playing in the snow outside!}

 In the kitchen with mommy is going to be these cute jello ice bergs.

Painting with snow!!

And using cotton balls to make polar bears!

Bible Story:

This is something I also found on 2 Teaching Mommies. They include a memory verse for each lesson. Tempe is not old enough for that yet but I feel this is the most important part of our lessons. I will be including a Bible story from one of her Bible's each week to read every day. This week's will be the story of Jesus feeding 5000 with bread and fish.

 Remember, Tot School is fun! It is not about setting down making your tot memorize his colors and ABC's. It is about spending time focused on just them. Exposing them to new experiences and doing a little learning along the way!
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'Ole to Yumminess and a Cracked Counter

My previous post I wrote about how I have been into list this week. I wanted to share one of those list with you. I planned our menu for part of last week and all of this week! And I am so excited about some of the meals I am making. I was talking to Tori this week about it and where some people make the same thing over and over I have the problem with finding something different to cook (thinks Pinterest) each day so we rarely eat the same meal twice! What I was most excited about was that other than the trip to Sam's Club I stayed in my budget. But Sam's is a once a month or few months trip so that doesn't really count. ;) And also my trip to the local meat market. I can remember growing up going with my mom to the meat market so we stopped in on our way home from Sam's. The prices were great and meat even better! I cook mostly deer meat but will need chicken and some beef on occasion.


Buttermilk Roasted Chicken
Bacon Green Beans


Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff *See my note about Crock Pots*
Homemade Mashed Potatoes

Homemade Veggie Beef Soup
Grilled Cheese

Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest

Meatless Black Bean and Corn Potatoes


Chicken Pot Pie

Friday(Mardi Gras Date Night)

Jambalaya Pasta
King Cake Knots (photo above)

Chicken and Dumplings

It makes me hungry just looking at it!

 We have solid surface counter tops and about 2 weeks ago we had a huge crack appear. I was not a happy girl! I tried to contact the company but nothing could be done warranty wise because all of our records had been purged. Once again not a happy girl, we have only been in the house 6 years. Josh found a repair man and I called to set up an appointment. On the phone he told me not to be shocked that sometimes these can run upwards of $450 but he would just have to look at it. Well, he came and looked. Guess what? $450 worth of damage from the good 'ole crock pot! He said that he knew that is what caused it because of the way it is cracked and they have caused most of all damage to counters in the past 14 years he has been in business.  When he said why, the heat over long periods of times, it made sense. He recommends setting your slow cooker on a FOOTED butcher block. Make sure it has feet. Or set it on the stove top. Needless to say mine will be found on the stove top from now own! He is going to email me photos he has of damaged counters that I will pass along to you but for now here are photos of ours.

Pass the word!!! I would have never guessed this from a crock pot. And neither did most people I have talked to. So share it, post it, tweet it, call ya Momma, sista, and twice removed cousin of your bff and tell them, do NOT put your crock pot on the counter!
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Saturday, February 18, 2012


Ok y'all, I am going to be the first to admit it...I am a list maken, note taken, schedule createn kind of chicka! I always have been. Always will be. It is just me. But for some reason this week I have gone crazy, even for me.

The only reason I can figure that I am doing it is because I have my hands in so many pots here lately it is the only way I feel that I am going to get it all done. I have Tot School schedules, Tot School wish list, Menus, Grocery list, Project Life to-do list, and on and on. I have made out my entire menu and shopping list for over a week. I have themes for Tot School thru March. Oh, and I forgot about my date night list!

Here is one place I keep some of my list...

It isn't the prettiest but I loved the way it was laid out and that I can put things in it for all three of us. I keep most everything in it. I keep it at home and then have this one to carry with me, it is much more cute and was only $4 shipped! That included 7 personalized photos in it!

Now, to go finish one of my 3 list for Tot School. I am so excited about next weeks theme, Polar Lands!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Bowers Style

Happy Valentines to everyone we love, YOU!

We celebrated with a Red Velvet Pancake breakfast.

I made Tempe's pancakes into a heart and she had pink milk.

The girl racked up too! I went way overboard as I usually do but I can't help myself. We tried so long to have her a part of our life and never know if we will have another chance to do this again so I enjoy every opportunity I get.

Daddy had a few treats too. I gave him my gift Saturday night when we went to Melting Pot but I wanted a little something for him to have the day of. I made these scratch off cards that had little coupons for breakfast in bed, an extra date, etc.

And Tempe made him a card with her purple crayon!

I hope you had a wonderful day of love. Remember to show those you love your love everyday, not just February 14.

 "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
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